5 Dryland and At-Home Ideas for Swimmers

No pool? Check out and try these 5 simple dryland and at-home ideas for your swimmers.

  • *Disclaimer: Make sure you only practice these with proper parental/guardian supervision. Safety first!
1. Flutter Kicks:

Lay down on your back and practice kicking! For safety and comfort, make sure to use a yoga mat, or even a kickboard to lay on while you kick! You can place your hands underneath your hips to make it easier or hold your arms straight in the air to increase the difficulty.

2. Cue Practice:

Practicing your swim cue’s out of the pool, can help while using in the pool! Having your child master this skill lets them know when to hold their breath before going underwater. Repetition is key for children to understand and master any skill. Tip: Practice this drill in the bath tub during play time!

3. Red Light, Green Light Game:

Sit on the edge of a chair or a bed and practice doing this game. You can find the game instructions here. That way when you get back in a pool, your young swimmer already understands what you want them to do. That way, when the pools re-open, all you have to add is water (and some splashes!). Tip: Make sure when you are kicking, your feet/ankles stay loose and floppy while kicking, just like you would in the pool!

4. Humming Bath:

Is it Bath Time? Have your kids hum their favorite song while bobbing up and down underwater. Humming underwater makes you blow bubbles with your nose! Kids love making bubbles and find it extremely hilarious to do so with one’s nose! Encouraging this is great to get them used to doing the same in the pool.

5. Bath Float:

Depending on the age of your swimmer, the bath is a perfect place to help them practice a back float! They feel safe in the shallow water and it helps them get used to having their ears wet.

underwater baby blowing bubbles infant swim lessons
back float swim lessons

If you like these 5 Dryland and At-Home ideas for Swimmers and want more, or have any questions regarding them, let us know in the comments!


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